Historically, structure-activity analyses, with careful comparisons of the potency of series of autonomic agonist and antagonist analogs, led to the definition of different autonomic receptor subtypes, including muscarinic and nicotinic cholinoceptors, and alpha, beta, and dopamine adrenoceptors. Subsequently, binding of isotope-labeled ligands permitted the purification and characterization of several of the receptor molecules. Molecular biology now provides techniques for the discovery and expression of genes that code for related receptors within these groups

Major Autonomic Receptor Types.

Receptor Name
Typical Locations
Result of Ligand Binding

  Muscarinic M1
CNS neurons, sympathetic postganglionic neurons, some presynaptic sites
Formation of IP3 and DAG, increased intracellular calcium
  Muscarinic M2
Myocardium, smooth muscle, some presynaptic sites; CNS neurons
Opening of potassium channels, inhibition of adenylyl cyclase
  Muscarinic M3
Exocrine glands, vessels (smooth muscle and endothelium); CNS neurons
Like M1 receptor-ligand binding
  Muscarinic M4
CNS neurons; possibly vagal nerve endings
Like M2 receptor-ligand binding
  Muscarinic M5
Vascular endothelium, especially cerebral vessels; CNS neurons
Like M1 receptor-ligand binding
  Nicotinic NN
Postganglionic neurons, some presynaptic cholinergic terminals
Opening of Na+,K+ channels, depolarization
  Nicotinic NM
Skeletal muscle neuromuscular end plates
Opening of Na+,K+ channels, depolarization

Postsynaptic effector cells, especially smooth muscle
Formation of IP3 and DAG, increased intracellular calcium
Presynaptic adrenergic nerve terminals, platelets, lipocytes, smooth muscle
Inhibition of adenylyl cyclase, decreased cAMP
Postsynaptic effector cells, especially heart, lipocytes, brain; presynaptic adrenergic and cholinergic nerve terminals, juxtaglomerular apparatus of renal tubules, ciliary body epithelium
Stimulation of adenylyl cyclase, increased cAMP
Postsynaptic effector cells, especially smooth muscle and cardiac muscle
Stimulation of adenylyl cyclase and increased cAMP. Activates cardiac Gi under some conditions.
Postsynaptic effector cells, especially lipocytes; heart
Stimulation of adenylyl cyclase and increased cAMP1
Dopamine receptors 

  D1 (DA1), D5
Brain; effector tissues, especially smooth muscle of the renal vascular bed
Stimulation of adenylyl cyclase and increased cAMP
  D2 (DA2)
Brain; effector tissues, especially smooth muscle; presynaptic nerve terminals
Inhibition of adenylyl cyclase; increased potassium conductance D3
Inhibition of adenylyl cyclase D4
Brain, cardiovascular system
Inhibition of adenylyl cyclase

The primary acetylcholine receptor subtypes were named after the alkaloids originally used in their identification: muscarine and nicotine, thus muscarinic and nicotinic receptors. In the case of receptors associated with noradrenergic nerves, the use of the names of the agonists (noradrenaline, phenylephrine, isoproterenol, and others) was not practicable. Therefore, the term adrenoceptor is widely used to describe receptors that respond to catecholamines such as norepinephrine. By analogy, the term cholinoceptor denotes receptors (both muscarinic and nicotinic) that respond to acetylcholine. In North America, receptors were colloquially named after the nerves that usually innervate them; thus, adrenergic (or noradrenergic) receptors and cholinergic receptors. The general class of adrenoceptors can be further subdivided into alpha-adrenoceptor, beta-adrenoceptor, and dopamine-receptor types on the basis of both agonist and antagonist selectivity and on genomic grounds. Development of more selective blocking drugs has led to the naming of subclasses within these major types; for example, within the alpha-adrenoceptor class, alpha1 and alpha2 receptors differ in both agonist and antagonist selectivity.